STRATEGICA Immigration Services

STRATEGICA Immigration Services

Your number one partner in immigration and residency services in Paraguay

The Gold Package

The straight forward offering for Permanent Residency in Paraguay within 60 days

Total Price: $5.200

Step 1 – Requirements

A 1 hour free consultation call will start the process where we go through process and relevant additional information that is required by applicant to get the Paraguayan residency

(Strategica will schedule call with customer upon agreement)


1. Gathering Documentation & Apostille Stamps

In order to be able to get a permanent residency in Paraguay you will be required to gather some vital documents that also need some proof of authenticity, so called Apostille stamps, to certify that all documents are correct and so forth will be accepted by the Paraguayan authorities. The documents are the foundation of your application, and Strategica will help you in guiding you in how to get hold of the documents, what information that is required within those documents, and where the customer need to extract those documents in respective country.

The required documents are as follows:

  • Birth certificate including parents (if married also the spouse and potential children)
  • Clean criminal record from authority/police
  • Scanned copy of Passport

Please observe that documents in bold require an Apostille stamp

Countries handle the Apostille process slightly differently, but Strategica will guide you how to get the certification stamp in your specific country (Required Documents)

Step 2 – Traveling To Asuncion, Paraguay

The Residency Process

The actual residency process in Paraguay are split into the following steps:

  • Handing in the clean criminal record and undergo the normal international Interpol check-up including document sign-off
  • The opening of a National Bank account where the deposit of a required 35 minimum monthly Paraguayan wages, as a proof of solvency. This equals to approximately $5.000**** depending on currency (Important: This money you will be able to extract when the process is finalized 60 days later)
  • Start the residency process at the migration office (all documents are handled by Strategica and you just need to sign all relevant documents that are provided and get photographed for your ID-card)

**** IMPORTANT – Due to that the National Bank does not handle international bank transfers nor credit card payments, you either need to extract the money through ATM payouts or bring the money in cash

Because many of our customers have found it slightly demanding and insecure to bring a lot of cash, they have asked if Strategica somehow can facilitate this service. Strategica has developed an additional service where the customer dont need to bring & deposit the additional $5.000 for the National Bank Account (Please observe that this service is included in the Platinum package)


Step 3 – Becoming A Resident Of Paraguay

(This Step Can Be Combined With Step 2 If Required)

Finalizing process and becoming resident

This is the final phase of becoming a resident of Paraguay. Customer will need to be present for approximately 3 business days and participate in the following steps:

  • Join our representative to the migration office and sign and receive your residency card
  • Extract your deposit at the National Bank and close the account
  • Together with our representative you will initiate the creation of your Paraguayan ID-card (This card is the real proof of your residency. Its used to apply for the Tax-ID, for opening bank accounts, Registering at an address, for setting up electricity & water etc). Its also the ID-card that enables you to travel freely through all other Mercosur countries
  • Final step is to get the Tax-ID number. This enables you to operate freely as an employee, business owner or Digital Nomad locally or globally

The Gold Package

This process will take you no longer than 60 days to become a Permanent Resident of Paraguay, including the ID-card and the Tax-ID

Take the first step to become a resident of Paraguay